The Thorncliff Community League (TCL) is a member of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) and has partnered with the Thorncliffe Elementary School in many ways. The mandate of every EFCL member league is to serve its league members. In order for TCL to best serve our community, we encourage Thorncliff residents to join the league (see Membership). Together we form a strong voice and collectively we can work together to resolve civic, social, and safety matters.
TCL maintains the grounds and manages the activity spaces in Thorncliff Park between Thorncliffe Elementary School and St. Justin Catholic School. This space is shown in the map below, bounded by a red outline. The space includes a model car race track, winter snowbank skating rink, basketball court, and community garden.
TCL wants to help improve the quality of life for Thorncliff residents. We understand that safety was a major area of concern. As a united community, we can work together to resolve this issue for the benefit of everyone. Residents have also told us that they want to get to know their neighbours. As a community league, we invite the people of Thorncliff to come together by hosting social events and offering various programs, but we can’t do it without support and assistance from our neighbours who live in Thorncliff.
Lend your voice. Support the needs of our community by becoming an active member of TCL.
The League’s priorities are to
Grow the membership through meaningful communication and community activities
Develop new, and build on existing community partnerships
Offer community programs that are needed and wanted by members and the community
Host community events to create unity and help members connect with their neighbours
Repair and maintain the multi-purpose areas of the Thorncliff Park leased and managed by TCL
(the red bounded area shown in the map below and on the home page) -
Engage community residents in the plans to redevelop the skating rink area
Advocate, as required, on behalf of the community regarding safety matters that affect all residents
Conduct regular environmental scans by researching and keeping abreast of current and upcoming civic and inter-community matters that directly affect TCL members and Thorncliff residents.
Participate in meetings, engage in open forums, and take action to lend support, but only after consensus to participate as a community league is achieved.
Scheduled League Meetings
Members and non-members of TCL are encouraged to attend monthly Board meetings of the League.
Meetings are held at the Rock Paper Scissor restaurant in the Thorncliff shopping center
The Annual General Meetings are held in late August (location, time and date TBA)
Mailing Address: Thorncliff Park, 8215 175 St NW, Edmonton, AB, T5T 0G9
We can be found on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thorncliffCL
Website: thorncliffcl.ca/
Email: info@thorncliffcl.ca
NextDoor: The neighbourhood is using an app called Nextdoor to stay
in touch with what’s happening in our community. We use it to organize
local events, share safety tips and recommendations, put things up for
sale, and to simply get to know one another better. Come join us!
Send us an email to get the invitation or visit your app store.
Benefits of being part of our community
Security: Think of Community as the opposite of Isolation. Isolation means we are alone, nobody knows if we are present or missing, at peace or in trouble. Being in community means having the security of proximity - somebody that is near enough to see if something is not right or to help or respond if necessary.
Opportunity: Think of Community as your personal intelligence gathering agency. Being in community opens us to increased knowledge and awareness of opportunities. For example, do you know where the free swimming is available every week? It's a benefit of being part of Community.
Networking: Think of Community as a living version of Kijiji. Need a couch, a car, a job, a babysitter? Being in community puts you in direct contact with people who can help you. The old saying is valid; "it's not only what you know, but who you know."
Motivation: Think of Community as the spark plug to your ideas and your goals. Being in community means there are others that share your goals and they can provide the motivation to put actions to your plans. You are much more likely to carry through with your ideas when someone else is meeting you there, or working on the project with you.
Fulfillment: Think of Community as the puzzle that needs your piece. We carry our own particular shape and ability and personality and we can be complete and confident in our own identity. Being part of community gives us a bigger picture of how our identity fits in the bigger picture. As we find our place in community we see the purpose we contribute to the many pieces around us.
Map of Thorncliff Community